Arabian Gulf Game Plan: The Social Media Marketing Strategy of the EAFL

Yesterday was the publication date of a book in which I wrote a chapter about the social media marketing efforts of the Emirates American Football League (EAFL). Recognizing the global role and relevance of American football, I wrote a chapter about the EAFL in the book The Routledge Handbook of International Sport Business profiling its social media strategy. Titled “Arabian Gulf Game Plan: The social media marketing strategy of the Emirates American Football League,” the chapter: Explores the origins of the EAFL. Looks to the future of American football in UAE. Shares the league’s social media strategy. The Routledge Handbook of International Sport…

Salute the Spirit of Small Business on the Birthday of the Bikini

Size doesn’t predict significance! On July 5, 1946, the day after America celebrated its 170th Independence Day, French designer Louis Reard unveiled a daring two-piece swimsuit that would forever liberate legions of water-bound women: the bikini. Proclaiming a two piece swimsuit wasn’t a bikini “unless it could pulled through a wedding ring,” Reard capitalized on the sensation of his invention and ensured its lasting success. Although comprised of only 30 inches of fabric, the impact of the bikini was felt worldwide — much like the shockwaves from the nuclear bomb tests that took place on Bikini Atoll (the suit’s namesake). According to…

Presenting “Strengthen Your Social Media Marketing with Live Streaming Video”

On Saturday, February 11, 2017 at the Flora Grand Hotel in Dubai I joined two colleagues from American University in the Emirates (AUE) — Dr. Konrad Gunesch and Dr. Paul Mears — at the 6th International Conference on New Challenges in Management and Business. The Conference addressed a range of critically important issues and themes relating to the management and business. At the conference, in addition to enjoying learning about the research of fellow academics and researchers from all around the world, I presented my proposed paper, “Strengthen Your Social Media Marketing with Live Streaming Video.” The abstract from my paper follows:…

Raj Kotecha and the Business of Marketing

On Sunday, November 29, 2015 Raj Kotecha delivered a guest lecture — “Content is the New Oil” — at American University in the Emirates (AUE). Notably, I met Raj  the same night I met Robert Scoble here in Dubai. This was the first in a planned series of “Business of Marketing” guest lectures from the Department of Marketing, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management in the College of Business Administration (COBA). Raj is the founder of Creative Content Agency (CCA) where he has designed and implemented marketing campaigns from events to social media for industry leading brands such as The Fragrance Shop,…

12 Months, 12 Memories: My First Year in Dubai

On September 8, 2014 I opened for Lady Gaga. Well, not exactly: I landed in Dubai, UAE a few hours before Lady Gaga also arrived in Dubai for a concert at the Meydan Racecourse (on September 10). And so began my expat adventure as a full-time business professor. In the 12 months since I have exponentially grown personally and developed professionally. While I had previously traveled internationally, my experience was limited mostly to short trips to a handful of countries. Those early overseas trips certainly exposed me to a more global perspective, but living overseas has allowed me to experience a…