Celebrating “edX E-Learning Course Development”

On May 30, 2015 I published my first book, “edX E-Learning Course Development,” a 300-page manual for university teachers and corporate trainers designing, developing, and deploying a MOOC course for the edX platform.  The book walks a reader through eight steps to create an edX course while teaching them about the tools and techniques they need to know as an edX instructor. The eight steps are presented in eight chapters, as follows: Getting Started: an overview of MOOCs and the history of edX. Planning the Curriculum: curriculum development. Producing Videos: video production best practices. Designing Exercises: options for exercises and assessments. Integrating…

Presenting “edX E-Learning Course Development” at AUE

On January 30, 2017, I shared my book, “edX E-Learning Course Development,” to faculty, students, and staff at American University in the Emirates (AUE). Below are videos and photos — along with a copy of the presentation — from that event. This was the inaugural “Library Distinguished Guest Speaker Series” event hosted by the Library and Information Resource Center (LIRC) and the Office of Research and Advancement (ORA) at AUE. The event took place in the recently renovated AUE Library; an impressively modern space that encourages education and helps create a learning community. I brought in students from my MKT 200-2, Principles of…

Meeting a Reader of My edX Book in Dubai

Delighted to have met Mohammed Alsiddiq, a founding partner of Eight Creative Technology, in Dubai on Thursday, July 28, 2016. This was the first time I have met a reader of my book, edX E-Learning Course Development, and by coincidence he also lives in the United Arab Emirates! Founded in 2015 and based in Twofour54 Abu Dhabi, Eight Creative Technology is Khalifa Fund‘s first initiative focused on digital innovation. Their services include ‪digital‬ ‪strategy‬, platform development,‪ social media‬, business ‪applications,‬ and ‪ecommerce‬. They collaborate with industry leaders to deliver a broad range of ‪training‬ programs and‪ workshops‬ in areas of digital ‪marketing‬, social…

12 Months, 12 Memories: My First Year in Dubai

On September 8, 2014 I opened for Lady Gaga. Well, not exactly: I landed in Dubai, UAE a few hours before Lady Gaga also arrived in Dubai for a concert at the Meydan Racecourse (on September 10). And so began my expat adventure as a full-time business professor. In the 12 months since I have exponentially grown personally and developed professionally. While I had previously traveled internationally, my experience was limited mostly to short trips to a handful of countries. Those early overseas trips certainly exposed me to a more global perspective, but living overseas has allowed me to experience a…