Learning Design Thinking at Stanford University

Innovation is the engine of opportunity. At its core, innovation is a commitment to experiential learning. It encourages critical thinking and creative problem-solving while also engaging soft skills. This mindset is fundamental to the future of the United Arab Emirates. So much so that, it is part of the ‘United in Knowledge’ pillar of Vision 2021 which focuses on innovative Emiratis building a competitive economy. Emphasizing it’s importance, H.H Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum explained, “Innovation is not an option, but a necessity. It is not a culture, but work style, and governments and companies that do not innovate…

What We Have Learnt to Forget

What have you learnt to forget? Ms. Alissar Nasrallah warmed the hears of my students with her keynote speech “What We Have Learned to Forget – The Human Behind the Business.” Alissar manages Prest, her family’s corporate gifting business. I first met her when we were both extras on Star Trek Beyond; we struck up a friendship and I was fortunate enough that she was willing to share her insights and ideas with my class. Acknowledging the connection between business and ethics, she reflected on the importance of philosophical and humanitarian values and their role in business. The following is an essay…

Speaking to New COBA Students at AUE

I was asked to give an impromptu speech to new College of Business Administration (COBA) students at the American University in the Emirates (AUE) during an orientation session on September 26, 2017. Here’s what I said: “By the end of your four years or three years or five years, whatever it is, you are a changed person for the better and part of that change comes through your participation and engagement in the whole academic experience — beyond just the grades, beyond just your one area. So, I guess my suggestion is to open yourself up to many different opportunities,…

Arabian Gulf Game Plan: The Social Media Marketing Strategy of the EAFL

Yesterday was the publication date of a book in which I wrote a chapter about the social media marketing efforts of the Emirates American Football League (EAFL). Recognizing the global role and relevance of American football, I wrote a chapter about the EAFL in the book The Routledge Handbook of International Sport Business profiling its social media strategy. Titled “Arabian Gulf Game Plan: The social media marketing strategy of the Emirates American Football League,” the chapter: Explores the origins of the EAFL. Looks to the future of American football in UAE. Shares the league’s social media strategy. The Routledge Handbook of International Sport…

Game’s Over: Acting in a Student Film

I previously blogged about my adventures as an extra on Star Trek Beyond in 2015, but in July 2017 I beamed up to a starring role as Eric Lopez in “Game’s Over,” a short film by students at SAE Institute Dubai. We shot the film during the evening on July 18 and 19 in Dubai and it premiered at a student showcase at SAE. I was invited to participate in this film noir project by Natalie Aji, the film’s producer, Melissa Urresti, the director, via my profile on Mixfame (an online platform connecting talented individuals with production houses, casting directors and producers for…